Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to Win the Heart of the One You Want

A very common mistake most young guys do is trying to rush a budding romance too quickly. They want some sort of commitment from the one they love at the earliest possible moment which always seem frightening to their potential lover and make her anxious to quit the relationship.

Maybe you art one of these people, it is a good ideal to always give a developing relationship time for it to mature. Do not force your lover to doing things at your own will. Give her time to progress at her own pace as these will lead her to actually feel comfortable about making such commitment to you. In other word, your adoration and anxiousness can keep her from committing to you totally.

For you to win her love permanently, you have to take it slowly with her. Since relationships grow stronger with the passing of time. The trick in succeeding is to keep the friendship developing as long as possible. The average strongest marriages appear to in which the couples have taken at least a year to get to know each other before going to the alter.

Make sure you give the relationship time to work as this will make your love fill her heart. Giving her enough time will make her emotional feeling grow for you and lead her to actually feel comfortable making commitment to you.

Do not rush into doing things that would have a negative effects on your relationships. Take your time and go slowly, you would be amazed that your fish (woman) will bite your bait.

Tired Of Being Rejected? Learn How To Get Women To Approach YOU First and Keep Them Captivated With Conversation! at guygetgirls

How to Gain a Woman Trust and Win Her Love

The reason while most relationships crash at the early stage is because most guys are too eager to express their commitment to the one they love either through spoken words or physical affection. There some things you should keep to yourself at the early stage of the relationship if you don't want to run the risk of losing her.

You should be restrain in sharing hopes and dream of a future with her in order not to make her feel that your future happiness hinges on her. By disclosing your intention in the delicate early stage of your romance, you may inadvertently drive her away.

You may be wondering that could showing your love to your love one be a sin. No it is not a sin, but you have to be careful when doing it in order to pacify her fears and gain her trust.

The best way to go about it is to show her you care but don't say it. Yes! show that you care through your action but when it comes to expressing it verbally show some restrain. Most guys do not know how to keep their intentions to their selves and these has cost them promising relationships.

Learn how to keep your feeling towards your love and your future to yourself. Avoid any talk that implies commitment to one another, especially during the early stage of the relationships when you are just getting to know each other.

Don't let your conversation indicate that your present or future happiness depends on her feeling towards you. If you let her knew what your future plan include her, she may start to feel been trapped and you run the risk of losing her permanently.

Women hate men that are "clingy". A clingy is a needy, victim based man who gives a woman a lots of attention in exchange for all his needs being met at all time.

Therefore, don't be a clinger. Do not make yourself look like you are going to die without her love. No woman want to be weigh down with such a responsibility. Do not wear your heart on your sleeve

Tired Of Being Rejected? Learn How To Get Women To Approach YOU First and Keep Them Captivated With Conversation!

4 Simple Steps That Guarantee You Of Meeting The One You Love Through The Internet

The use of the computer and access to the internet is one of the greatest opportunity of meeting peoples and making connections. Its provides you the initial opportunity of meeting prospective mate of the opposite sex and of different ages. With the simple clicks of a mouse, you can practise some of your love tactics, improve your skill at a slow comfortable pace and without pressure.

Fear of rejection and pressure of starting is not an issue when it comes to internet dating. Even those who are shy can take positive steps towards meeting women of their choice through the internet. Once you begin meeting people online who are interested in further developing a relationship with you, proceed thoughtfully.

The following guidelines are design to assist you.

The first thing to do is to exchange email address with the lady. Take time to read through the electronic letters before giving back a response as this will give you a lots of time to think about your responses.


You can move on to online chat room once you feel the relationships is leading somewhere. This will help in boosting your charisma as you will engage her in live chat and express your feeling. At first, try to keep the conversation limited for a few minutes to half hour. Then you can extent it to conversation that goes on for longer periods.


The next step is to communicate with her through a direct phone conversation. By this time, you should have been confident enough to talk to her because of the familiarity you have created with the use of email exchange and online chatting.


You should have it in mind that until you meet her face to face, you cannot win her heart totally. Face to face meeting would help you in developing a true relationship that could last for years. So after successful phone conversation, plan to have a big date with her and the rest could be history.

The above guidelines will help you in finding the one you want and make her stick to you. You may not get result right away. Don't be discourage, practice these love principle and you will gain the skill to use them effectively. Practise they say make perfect. You are on your way to becoming a master of love.

Are you Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will want you once you know this little secret

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How To Overcome Shyness And Win The One You Want

It is very stressful to date or try to date when you are shy as there is always pressure on you who is trying to initiate the conversation as well on the one you being approached. One of the main reason for these is the fear of rejection. These make you feel unconfortable making a move. But you can transform yourself from the shy type to the confident one that you should be. The more confident you look, the better the response you will get. The key to successful conversation isn't the use of fancy words in an attempt to make a good impression. But as long as you make a good effort to communicate, you will never make a bad impression. Rather it is when you try to be impressive that you get in to trouble.

Below are some few tips that can make you start a conversation witha new lady you meet and win her over completely.

---STAND STRAIGHT AND BE CONFIDENT When approaching a lady, always remember to satnd straight. An erect stand is a sign of confidence. The way your body posses tells something about you. Try practising this in front of a mirror untill its start to lok natural. Also do not cross your arm if sitting. Crossing your arm is a sign of defensiveness and shyness. Learn to give your confidence a boost.


You should realised that conversation involves more than words. It includes eye contact and to some extent body language. When you meet a lady for the first time, it is good to look straight at her, focusing on her eyes and face. Do not make it look frightening and make your eye smile a bit. If you keep a positive attitude by smiling even as you stumble over your words, you are assured to make a good impression.

---START THE CONVERSATION Make the first move by stricking up the conversation. Stay close enough to her to catch her eye and smile briefly. If she smile back and make a direct eye contact that signify that she s open to talking. Starting up a conversation at first may be difficult because of what to say. But a slow and gentle approach is better than coming on like a gangbusters. Once you get her to talk back to you it will help in building your confidence.


When you meet someone you are interested in for the first time, you can start up a conversation by focusing on things that are non threatening and impersonal such as weather, the surrounding e.t.c. These will help as a temporary transition to a more meaningful conversation. Ask open minded question to create conversation out of mutual interest to keep the talk going. Say something that will help her build her confidence.


The next step is to watch her reaction to see if she is interested in you. Her eye contact will be directly towards you and her smile wider if she is interested in you. She may even go on extra mile by moving closer and leaning towards you.

Tired Of Being Rejected? Click Here to Learn How To Get Women To Approach YOU First and Keep Them Captivated With Conversation!

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Attract A Woman: The Best Ways to Handle Physical Contact

Touching/physical contact is an absolutely vital component of seduction. You can’t successfully pick-up a girl without first establishing a basic level of mutual tactility – I.E. Before you can move in for the kill by kissing and/or sleeping with her, you MUST first have a regular, healthy amount of touching that works both ways: she flirtatiously puts her hand on your knee, you encircle her waist with your arm and pull her a little closer – whatever form the physical contact takes, it has to be present for you to achieve your final goal of actual seduction. And that right there is where the problem for many men lies: how can a guy get the ball rolling when it comes to tactility and physical closeness? If the girl’s not being tactile, how can a guy develop mutual physical closeness without freaking her out or scaring her away?

Often men just “go for it” and consequently end up making the girl feel uncomfortable or even slightly violated because of their rushed attempt at physical closeness. Other men decide they don’t want to risk putting a girl off, so hold back any kind of touching or bodily contact – doing so usually sends out the wrong message, that the guy is either not interested in the girl, or that he’s simply too timid to show it, neither of which are attractive scenarios in the mind of a good-looking, fun-loving girl. Okay, so what’s the solution to this awkward problem?

Quite simply, you just need to follow a few basic rules or procedures, all of which conform to the personal boundaries of most girl (and therefore don’t appear uncalled for or rushed) but at the same time clearly indicate that you’re a confident guy who’s not afraid of getting to know girls and even showing it through casual, relaxed physical contact. So, let’s take a look.

1. Many men think that touching a girl in any way when they first meet them is an absolute no-no. But that’s simply not true. To form a positive, strong first impression and create an immediate bond with a girl when you first introduce yourself or get talking, casually and gently touch the outside of her right arm while at the same time verbally expressing something. The outside of a woman’s arm is not intimate enough a place for the touch to feel strange or out-of-place, but at the same time it’s a clear-cut sign that you’re a personable, socially adept kind of guy. Don’t be afraid to give it a try – you’ll notice the benefits immediately.

2. Once you’ve started a conversation with a girl, or when you randomly find yourself chatting to a woman you really like the look of, it’s important to keep up the physical contact. Doing so helps maintain the bond and rapport you’ve already created and also helps build it further, into mutually felt sexual attraction. You can use something called ‘Stealth Tactility’ to do this. Quite simply, stealth tactility involves making physical contact with the girl in a disguised way. For example, if she wants to go to the bar or bathroom but doesn’t know the way, you can use stealth tactility by placing your hand on her shoulder, drawing her in a little closer, swivelling both of your bodies round until you face in the right direction, then point past other people or obstacles with your other hand to where she needs to go.

3. Lastly, always try to use a ‘contact close’ when you finish your conversation with a girl. For example, after swapping numbers or arranging to meet again, give her a kiss on the cheek or a hug and a kiss. Many men think that the hard work’s been done once something’s been arranged for a later date, but making physical contact before you part with a girl is always a great way of ensuring she remembers you and really cannot wait to see you again.

Tiffany Taylor is the female author of GuyGetsGirl, a special guide that reveals for the first time what goes on the minds of women AND how men can use special psychological and social techniques to attract and seduce them – regardless of their looks, bank balance or the car they drive. Attract And Seduce Women Today